Please refer to the Rules of Golf book effective January 2024 concerning any rules questions. These Local Rules supersede Local Rules on the scorecard.

Penalty Areas will be defined by red stakes, lines or physical features (See #17 of Rules of Golf). Where marked, lines will define the penalty area and stakes identify the penalty area. In the absence of lines, stakes define the area. As an additional option for a red penalty area, where possible, a player may have the additional option of using the opposite margin equidistant to the point the ball entered the penalty area as the reference point.

NATIVE AREAS: All native areas throughout the course are considered “Red Penalty Areas" and the edge of the penalty area is where the grass and native area meet. Where a cart path is adjacent to a native area, the edge of the path on the native area side will act as the edge of the penalty area. NOTE: Mowed areas to the side of paths which lead to a native area ARE NOT part of the native area. Where native areas border both sides of a cart path, the path lies in the penalty area and the edge of the penalty area goes across the path at the point where grass would meet the native area if the path was not present. NOTE: If a ball crosses over a penalty area and comes to rest out of bounds, that rule applies (Rule 18.2) and penalty area relief is not available.

Ground under repair will include:

Areas on the course marked with white lines

Newly planted sod not marked as ground under repair should be played as it lies, although, if your ball lies in a SOD SEAM, relief will be granted if the sod seam interferes with the lie of the ball or your area of intended swing

French Drains (stone filled drainage ditches)

Staked trees… Any young tree on the course designated by ropes and stakes is considered a no play zone in which mandatory relief required for lie of ball, stance and area of intended swing…the tree itself along with the ropes and stakes are considered as one.

Large exposed rocks in areas cut to fairway height or less.

All ornamental flower beds throughout the course are No Play Zones. Relief is mandatory. The outside edge of the flower bed is the edge of the no play zone. If a curb is present, it is in the no play zone. If the flower bed is in the general area free relief must be taken under Rule 16.1b. If the flower bed is in a penalty area, the player must take relief under Rule 17.1e.

Any worn down or bare area within a club of any cart path will be considered GUR

Any area where landscape rocks have been placed touching the cart path. Mandatory relief to be taken on fairway side of the cart path.

Out of bounds will be defined by white stakes, property fences, inside edges of any city road and where applicable, white dots adjacent to the city road. A ball which comes to rest on or over a city road is considered out of bounds. OB is determined by the nearest inside points of the fence, stake or road at ground level.

Fire ants and their mounds are considered a dangerous situation and relief is granted under Rule 16.2a & 16.2b.

Animal hoof damage: In the general area or in a bunker, damage that is clearly identifiable as having been caused by animal hoofs is ground under repair and Rule 16.1 applies (Abnormal Course Conditions). Such damage on the putting green may be repaired and Rule13.1c (2) applies.

Damage by animals: Damage in the “general area” caused by animals such as armadillos or skunks will be considered ground under repair. Interference does not exist if the damage only interferes with the player’s stance.

Integral parts of the course:

Wires, cables or electric boxes closely attached to trees or other permanent objects

Retaining artificial walls when located within penalty area.

Landscaping stones placed in areas to prevent erosion.

Drop Zones: As an additional option for a ball in a penalty area, drop zones may be provided as part of an individual rules sheet for an event.

Rules Committee: Tom Heffer, PGA, Director of Golf HSV, Gary Porter, PGA Head Golf Professional.